It's true - With OneClick Cleaners, you can own a great technologically forward, dry cleaning & laundry franchise for only $9,500 dollars with NO royalties. Get started in less than 21 days and let OneClick Cleaners turn your business vision into reality.
OneClick Cleaners Quick Start Program will jump-start your Business!
It's true - With OneClick Cleaners, you can own a great technologically forward, dry cleaning & laundry franchise for only $9,500 dollars* with NO royalties. Quickly build and expand your business with today's customers' needs. Conveniences like pick-up & delivery, Smartphone sign-up & scheduling, order access and locker options. Get started in less than 21 days and let OneClick Cleaners turn your business vision into reality.
Under this program we accept only 2 franchisees per month with these great perks:
Reduced Franchise Fee $9500*
No Royalties
Use of personal vehicle is approved
Remote or onsite training is available
Start with any or all of our franchise options (mobile, retail, locker)
Operate full or part time according to your schedule
Free Quick start supply package available
*Limit of only 2 candidates per month are accepted for this $9,500 program, otherwise normal $38,000 franchise fees and royalties will apply.
With these great incentives OneClick Cleaners has broken all the barriers of becoming a business owner in the dry cleaning and laundry industry and provide you with a full franchise package including the OneClick Cleaners trade name, technology, training, mentorship, electronic & print advertising, marketing, partnership, ongoing support and industry experience.
Only OneClick Cleaners Delivers Customers 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year!
Our $9,500 Express License Program Includes Everything You Need To Get Going
OneClick Cleaners trade name
Exclusive OneClick Cleaners territory
Interactive OneClick Cleaners website
OneClick Cleaners smartphone & mobile web
Online customer account portal
Customer management system
Automatic email & text notification module
Delivery route and scheduling optimizer
Integrated billing & payment gateway
Expert training
Exclusive "Customers First" marketing system
Original electronic & print advertising & files
Partnering with an established dry cleaning and laundry provider
Access to OneClick Cleaners retail pairing and Drop-n-Clean locker options
The first day you go out is the first day you start making money
OneClick Cleaners has the only online fully functional, full service website allowing customers to sign up online, enter cleaning preferences, set schedules and pickups all from the home or office.
PLEASE NOTE DISCLAIMER: This brand page has been paid for by OneClick Cleaners. Content within
this page that is paid will showcase a Sponsored icon. This means the brand has engaged Franchise Buy
to write the content. Content without the Sponsored Icon is either aggregated media placements the brand earned or
content the brand has created on its own. Questions can be sent to This
information is not intended as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for
information purposes only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California,
Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South
Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are a resident of or want to locate a franchise in one of
these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale
registration and disclosure requirements in your state.
Franchise Buy is a highly trusted name in the industry. Your
information is safe and your privacy is protected. We never share or sell your information to anyone
other than the businesses you have selected.
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