Franchise Profile: Decor&You

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(Franchise Buy) - By SystemUser - BlogMigration. Updated Jul 30, 2013

Decor&You offers exciting opportunities in the growing $200 billion dollar home furnishings industry. The Decorating Industry is BoomingBeing a Decor&You franchisee is all about having a passion for building a team, motivating and helping others to achieve success. Decor&You offers the opportunity for youto applyyour skills building a decorating firm in the 200 billion dollar home furnishings industry. Decor&YouCreates Unique ValueDecor&You works to simplify how people achieve comfort, style and value in their homes and businesses. Clients open their doors to their DecorPlan that leads to a uniquely individual environment. Their commercial clients love the benefits of occupying interior spaces that emphasize brand personality and character. Decor&Yous decorators capture and reflect brand values in each DecorPlan they create for the offices, restaurants, waiting rooms andhotel roomstheir commercial clients own or lease. Like their clients, Decor&You franchise owners are attracted to this business searching for a space they love, too in this case, a rewarding profession and an empowering life. They discover the DecorPlan System: a successful, proven business model for achieving beautiful, fully-decorated interiors. They learn the business in their dynamic Professional Education Program. They find a culture of performance enhancement through their system tools designed for a quick ramp up. They can also look forward to hands-on management, which comes with a high level of attentive service that is increasingly rare in the American business landscape.

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