InShape MD: The Medical Answer to Weight Loss and Aging

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(Franchise Buy) - By SystemUser - BlogMigration. Updated Jun 18, 2013

 The battle of the bulge is fought on many fronts: in restaurants, at the gym, in your kitchen and at your doctors office. For some, medically-assisted weight loss regimens are the best and only answer for an expanding waistline that just wont shrink. InShapeMD is one such regimen, a franchise that uses medically supervised hormone replacement therapy and a weight loss formula to help clients lose fat, inches and reverse the aging process. Created by Dr. Simeons, InShapeMD offers multiple treatment options that are doctor-guided and personalized depending on the budgetary limitations, goals and physical attributes of each client. Programs included customized diet, nutrition and fitness plans; lab tests to track improvements and energy-boosting injections.  By encouraging weight loss, improving the nutrients absorbed by each client, increasing physical fitness and calibrating a clients hormone levels, InShapeMD can halt and reverse premature aging. [caption id='attachment_424' align='aligncenter' width='414']inshape md success stories InShapeMD Success Story: 251 pounds to 188 pounds in just 16 weeks![/caption]InShapeMDs anti-aging, weight loss and nutrition franchise is currently expanding and offering two different opportunities for prospective franchisees: Area Developer: area developer opportunities are offered to those who would prefer to function as an InShapeMD representative within a defined geographic area. Area developers assist with identifying new franchisees and supporting existing franchise locations within your assigned territory. Area developers operate within a protected territory. Broad Market: a more traditional approach to franchising, the broad market opportunity permits franchisees their own location with which to help clients using the InShapeMD hormone replacement therapy, bio-identical testosterone therapy, bio-identical hormone pellet therapy, bio-identical estrogen and progesterone therapies, medical weight management, prescription HCG and nutraceuticals, all guided by a doctor. This can be a stand-alone business or one that operates within an already established business within a health club, day spa, tanning salon, massage therapists office or chiropractor. For more information on royalty fees, franchise fees and statistics about the weight loss industry please visit   

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