Technology and Franchising: The Future in Google Glass

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(Franchise Buy) - By SystemUser - BlogMigration. Updated Nov 19, 2013

Franchising World, the International Franchise Associations official magazine, published a really interesting article this month about Google Glass and the role it will play in franchising in the future.As many know, Glass is the latest in technology innovation: a sleek (albeit slightly dorky looking) pair of glasses that acts like a smart phone. You can take phone calls, read and send emails or text messages, search the internet, translate simple phrases, receive turn-by-turn directions, take pictures, record videos, post updates to social media sites, automatically track your flight status or other events, and even make video calls. When you place the device on your head, a small display hovers just in front of your right eye (not in front of it, so you can still see normally.) There is a small touchpad on the side of the glasses frame that allows you to navigate its computing platform.If all of that isn't enough, technology analysts are now looking at the way that this device could eventually change hyperlocal marketing as we know it. What are some of the ways that they might change the franchising industry? Here are some of the speculations Ken Colburn has:1. Training.The device could reduce the cost of creating video training libraries. With the ability to record high-definition videos from the first person perspective, training videos no longer need to be filmed by an expensive videographer. First-person training videos could capture point-of-sale interactions. Just by having seasoned employees wear Glass for a couple of hours, you could have a bunch of great, real footage for new employees. Trainees could also wear the glasses during their first few shifts, with the manual or reminders available literally right in front of their eyes. 2. Field Support.Glass makes it easy to gather information, complete with time and date stamps. Field support teams could quite easily document their visits with photographs, videos and verbal notes that can be backed up to Googles cloud resources. The possibilities are almost endless. 3. Marketing.Heres where the money is at. Apps on Glass can alert users on local points of interest based on their location. For example, an app called Field Trip currently makes a sound every time you walk past a historical site. This technology could help franchises bring advertisements and coupons closer than ever. While Glass is nowhere near its prime yet, as the technology evolves, I can expect we will see big things. The devices technology offers a whole new platform for franchises to utilize. What do you think is in its future?Leave thoughts below!

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