Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Celebrates Wilmington Opening

Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Celebrates Wilmington OpeningSpecialty toy store opens second North Carolina location, 10th in franchise

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Sep 22, 2010



Brilliant Sky Toys & Books Celebrates Wilmington Opening

Specialty toy store opens second North Carolina location, 10th in franchise


OKEMOS, Mich. (Sept. 22, 2010) – Brilliant Sky Toys & Books is proud to announce the opening of its newest franchise in Wilmington, N.C.  The specialty toy store retailer offers parents and children a unique educational experience with a focus on providing the finest toys, books and events to enrich, enlighten and entertain families.

The 3,000 square-foot store, located in the Mayfaire Town Center shopping center at 6864 Main Street, features Brilliant Sky’s distinguishing aesthetic of vibrant, warm colors, unique artwork and low sightlines, designed to encourage children to imagine and explore. Families in the Wilmington area will also be able to take part in various complimentary activities offered at the store, such as craft workshops, special play days and story hours with guest storytellers and musicians.

The location is locally owned and operated by Annika and Mike Bixby.  The Bixbys are residents of Wilmington and are parents to a daughter and son. 

“As parents, we know how valuable it is to have a fun and educational place where children and families can spend time together,” said Annika. “Brilliant Sky is a great brand with an innovative concept, a strong foundation and caring people.”

The Mayfaire Town Center store is the second Brilliant Sky location in North Carolina. The first store is located in Charlotte, and a third store is scheduled to open in Cary. The Wilmington opening brings the total number of Brilliant Sky Toys & Books stores to 10 nationwide. 

“Wilmington is a modern city that is steeped in rich history,” said Brent Taylor, CEO of Brilliant Sky Toys & Books. “The area has a great sense of family and a small-town feel. We are excited to become a part of the community and we are thrilled to be expanding our business in North Carolina.”

About Brilliant Sky Toys & Books

Brilliant Sky Toys & Books is a specialty toy store that focuses on providing interactive, educational and developmentally sound environments for children and families.  The company, founded by Brent and Sonia Taylor in 2002, is based on the belief that the right playthings give children a gateway to physical, emotional and cognitive development. Brilliant Sky Toys & Books offers more than 10,000 high-quality products from more than 500 specialty brands and is one of the fastest growing retail concepts in the country. With nine locations currently open and two more set to open in 2010, the company has agreements in place calling for at least 22 additional locations over the next few years.  For more information, visit


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