Charter Financial Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend

Charter Financial Corporation today announced that its board of directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of 5 cents per share.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Aug 23, 2011

Charter Financial Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend

WEST POINT, Ga., Aug. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Charter Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: CHFN) today announced that its board of directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend of 5 cents per share. The dividend is payable on September 29, 2011, to stockholders of record September 13, 2011.  

Charter Financial Corporation is a savings and loan holding company and the parent of CharterBank, a full-service community bank and a federal savings institution.  CharterBank is headquartered in West Point, Georgia, and operates branches in central West Georgia and East Alabama.  CharterBank's deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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