Fortune Cookie Promotions Announces 10% Discount!

Whether a local locksmith store or a nationwide law firm needs direct marketing, Fortune Cookie Promotions is the best choice. Fortune Cookie Promotions advertises on the back of fortune cookie slips and distributes the fortune cookies to over 12,000-plus Chinese restaurant partners.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Apr 17, 2011

Fortune Cookie Promotions Announces 10% Discount! Custom Fortune Cookie Marketing/Advertising and Distributed to Over 12,000 Chinese Restaurants Nationwide

Whether a local locksmith store or a nationwide law firm needs direct marketing, Fortune Cookie Promotions is the best choice. Fortune Cookie Promotions advertises on the back of fortune cookie slips and distributes the fortune cookies to over 12,000-plus Chinese restaurant partners.

Brooklyn, NY (PRWEB) April 17, 2011

Fortune Cookie Promotions announces a 10% coupon for first time orders!

Go to Fortune Cookie Promotions to learn more about our marketing strategy.

Whenever a group of people treat themselves to a Chinese restaurant, they can not wait to receive their fortune cookie. Everyone always waits in anticipation till their fortune cookie arrives. The fortune cookie is the upside of receiving the check at the end of a great meal.

How many people take the message inside the fortune cookie seriously? Most Chinese restaurant goers believe it is split. However, over 99% of restaurant patrons will read their fortunes whether or not they take the fortune to heart or eat the cookie. Fortune Cookie Promotions took advantage of the direct audience across the United States and created a huge marketing sector.

How does it work?

1) Go to Fortune Cookie Promotions
2) Call or Email us to place an order for customized fortune cookie slips and/or customized fortune cookie wrappers.
3) Decide where to target the fortune cookies. (For example: Is it a national campaign or a 1 mile radius in Florida?). Fortune Cookie Promotions currently has over 12,000 Chinese restaurant partners.
4) Once everything is printed/baked/packaged Fortune Cookie Promotions distributes the cookies accordingly to the clients targeted Chinese restaurants.

Please email support(at)fortunecookiepromotions(dot)com in reference to becoming an affiliate.

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