Franchise Industry Sees Increased Demand for Commercial Cleaning Services

The pandemic has also spurred the development of new cleaning and disinfection technology used to clean floors, counters and equipment, and help to improve patient safety and lower the risk of exposure to hospital-related infections. Knowing which equipment, products and processes to use can be confusing.Cleaning technicians like those in anOpenWorks commercial cleaningfranchiseare trained on which protocols and products to use in different environments like healthcare and schools.

(Franchise Buy) - By 2. Updated Jan 21, 2022

The 2020 pandemic has put many businesses in a state of pause. Travel has decreased significantly and major public events have been canceled or postponed.

Businesses that managed to remain operational during the pandemic have placed greater emphasis on maintaining a clean and healthy environment for their customers and employees.

The increased demand for professionally trained commercial cleaning and disinfection services has created a boom for commercial cleaning franchise owners.

Keep reading below to see why starting a commercial cleaning franchise may be the right choice for you. 

Once a Luxury

What was once was a luxury is now a necessity. Many businesses viewed routine commercial cleaning service as a financial burden. Now, it's become a requirement to keep workplaces safe and healthy.

Employees, customers, vendors – virtually everyone who enters your workplace – all expect it to be clean and safe. Utilizing a commercial cleaning service helps ensure businesses maintain a healthy standard of cleanliness and disinfection.

COVID-19 Germ Hazards

At the onset of the pandemic, many businesses began r requiring their employees to work remotely from home. But now, businesses are re-opening and people are returning to the workplace. This return to work has resulted in a huge demand increase for commercial cleaning services. 

Many large corporate offices have dozens of employees sharing space. Surfaces such as elevator buttons, stair rails and office door handles are frequently touched throughout the day. 

Regular and frequent cleaning and disinfection can reduce the spread of harmful viruses and microbes in the workplace and help to keep employees healthier and protected from illness. 

Whether it's paying for people to clean the office or putting money towards the supplies needed, businesses everywhere are adjusting their budgets to accommodate the need for adequate cleaning and disinfection.

Results of Routine Cleaning

There are several advantages for businesses to use a commercial cleaning service franchise for routine cleaning and disinfection.

The dirtier a work environment is, the more likely someone is to get sick. Getting sick can either have someone out of the office for days, or it could result in a fast spread around the entire office. Either way, it drastically decreases office productivity. 

Investing money in commercial cleaning is also investing in the quality of a business. By keeping surfaces clean, employees have a lower chance of becoming ill. Healthy employees mean less absenteeism and better overall productivity.

What Can Businesses Do Now?

The coronavirus pandemic brought to light the need for more frequent and deep cleaning in businesses and public spaces, with many establishing written policies and cleaning standards to ensure a healthy workplace. 

The pandemic has also spurred the development of new cleaning and disinfection technology used to clean floors, counters and equipment, and help to improve patient safety and lower the risk of exposure to hospital-related infections. Knowing which equipment, products and processes to use can be confusing.

Cleaning technicians like those in an OpenWorks commercial cleaning franchise are trained on which protocols and products to use in different environments like healthcare and schools.

Consider an OpenWorks Commerical Cleaning Franchise

No matter what, all business owners should be taking appropriate measures to keep everyone safe. Commercial cleaning services are in great demand.   

OpenWorks provides you the tools and training you need to hit the ground running. And best of all, we provide the customers – no selling required.

Are you in search of a franchise opportunity? Consider starting an Openworks commercial cleaning franchise. Check out our website to get started!

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