Fresh Healthy Vending Sponsors Scholarship at Michael Robinson???s 5th Annual Youth Football Camp and Community Day

After recently purchasing 10 combo machines from Fresh healthy vending, the Seattle Seahawks??? fullback and NFL Super Bowl 2014 Champion, together with his non-profit foundation welcome the company and two healthy snack brands to participate in this year???s event.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated May 14, 2014

Fresh Healthy Vending Sponsors Scholarship at Michael Robinson’s 5th Annual Youth Football Camp and Community Day

After recently purchasing 10 combo machines from Fresh healthy vending, the Seattle Seahawks’ fullback and NFL Super Bowl 2014 Champion, together with his non-profit foundation welcome the company and two healthy snack brands to participate in this year’s event.

Fresh Healthy Vending International, Inc.(OTC Markets: VEND), North America’s leading healthy vending franchisor, announces its sponsorship of this weekend’s 5th Annual Football Camp and Community Day, hosted by Super Bowl 2014 Champion Michael Robinson and his non-profit foundation, Excel to Excellence, with the donation of healthy snack products, the presentation of a $500 scholarship to a selected camper, and information on how schools can request free healthy vending machines for their campuses.

Teaming up with Fresh Healthy Vending to support this year’s youth football camp and community day, hosted at Varina High School in Richmond, Va., are Funky Monkey Snacks (, packages of full slices of freeze-dried fruit mixed, and GoVida (, freeze-dried fruit snacks that combines exotic fruits with unique flavors. Both brands have donated snacks to be distributed to the 600 campers.

Continuously aspiring to encourage today’s youth to lead healthy lifestyles through knowledge and education, the Seattle Seahawk’s fullback hosts the annual camp and community day as part of his youth-oriented foundation: Excel to Excellence.

“The Michael Robinson Youth Football Camp has grown to become one of the most popular football camps in the Richmond region, with campers coming from all over to attend this free camp, that provides hands-on coaching from Michael Robinson, his NFL friends, and local high school and youth coaches,” said Johnathan Mayo, director of Mike Robinson’s Excel to Excellence Foundation. “What makes the camp unique is the interaction between the NFL players and campers, as well as the activities for the families. The coaching team for the camp discussed the importance of fitness during the camp, and parents actually have a chance to participate in an adult boot camp-style class while the kids are in camp. This is all done to reinforce the importance of healthy lifestyles for the campers and the parents.”

The coaches at Saturday’s camp will select one camper from each of its groups to be entered into a drawing, where one camper will be the recipient of a $500 scholarship from Fresh Healthy Vending, to be used towards future education expenses. The company will also have materials on site where parents, students and school officials can learn how to request a Fresh healthy vending machine on their campus, at no cost to them.

“It’s important to have sponsors such as Fresh Healthy Vending that share the values of Excel to Excellence,” said Mayo. “Through the monetary camper scholarship and donation of healthy snacks, Fresh Healthy Vending reinforces our belief in education and healthy lifestyles. These are values that we all work to instill in all of the youth involved in Foundation programs such as Team Excel and the Michael Robinson Youth Football Camp.”

The camp also includes a parent workshop to help parents understand the importance of raising student athletes who perform in the classroom, as well as on the field. All camp and community day activities support Robinson’s vision of creating a community day that offered something beneficial for the campers, as well as their families.

“Having Mr. Robinson, one of our country’s admired and most outstanding athletes as a franchisee is an exciting, terrific vote of confidence for us. Our participation in Excel to Excellence programs allows us the superb opportunity to extend our healthy footprint through participation in his camp and community day, and complements the overriding message of health, wellness and prosperity among youth and families,” said Alex Kennedy, CEO of Fresh Healthy Vending. “In addition to providing healthy snacks with Funky Monkey Snacks and GoVida, a $500 scholarship will be gifted to a deserving camper towards future education. Camp programs like those developed and promoted by foundations like Excel to Excellence encourage young people to seek out their goals with integrity and enhanced self confidence. We are proud to be part of that vision and effort.”

Robinson founded the Excel to Excellence Foundation, Inc. to address his concern for underserved children throughout the community and now provides additional guidance for students to be successful in academics, community service and extracurricular activities. As part of the non-profit, Robinson mobilizes his NFL teammates and friends to lead free, youth football camps and incentive programs to increase attendance and grade point averages among kids and teens.

For more information on Fresh Healthy Vending, the franchise program, or to receive a free healthy vending machine in your school or business, visit or call toll free 888-902-7558.

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