Illuminate Gym eyes an October 7th Grand Opening in St. Louis!

Illuminate Gym, affordable personal training featuring unique High Oxygen Training (HOT), announcing publicly that we are eyeing an October 7th Grand Opening in Chesterfield, Missouri.

(Franchise Buy) - By David Sedbrook. Updated Sep 19, 2011

 Illuminate PR

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David Sedbrook


 Illuminate Gym eyes an October 7th Grand Opening in St. Louis!

 Chesterfield—September 19, 2011—Illuminate Gym, affordable personal training featuring unique High Oxygen Training (HOT), announcing publicly that we are eyeing an October 7th Grand Opening in Chesterfield, Missouri.  Illuminate Gym and ‘High Oxygen Training’ were founded by David Sedbrook in Denver, Colorado and today Illuminate Gym is offering franchises nationwide and has plans to grow to multiple facilities in the St. Louis market.

Over the past few months Len Woolfenden, the owner of the newest Illuminate Gym, has been putting together his team of personal trainers and managers to start servicing the community of Chesterfield with ‘High Oxygen Training’.      “I believe we have the best trainers in the St Louis area who really have a passion to change lives. We at Illuminate Gym Chesterfield strive to bring the best out of our clients through HOT training and proper nutrition. If they have the want we will give them that extra push to be the best they can be. One Life No Regrets!!! ”

The Illuminate Gym in Chesterfield will be the first Illuminate Gym in St. Louis and we are hopeful that we continue to grow across the St. Louis market in the coming years.  Please check out to get all the latest news on the opening of Illuminate Gym in Chesterfield, Missouri.  Look for our official ‘Grand Opening’ news coming out from Illuminate Gym Franchise Development Company.  Thanks so much for reading and have a healthy day!

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