Sandler Training Announces New ???Strategic Customer Care??? Training Program

Baltimore, MD / Southbury, CT: Sandler Training, the world???s leading provider of sales, management and leadership training, is excited to announce the release of its new ???Strategic Customer Care??? training program.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Nov 15, 2010

Sandler Training Announces New “Strategic Customer Care” Training Program

By Sandler Training/Peak Sales Performance
Dated: Nov 15, 2010

Baltimore, MD / Southbury, CT: Sandler Training, the world’s leading provider of sales, management and leadership training, is excited to announce the release of its new “Strategic Customer Care” training program.

By embedding the Sandler Selling System methodology into customer care solutions, Sandler enables its clients to extend their training and apply it when and where it is most valuable – at the front end. Sandler’s “Strategic Customer Care” program is unlike any training available in that it provides long-term, incremental reinforcement training and coaching to ensure a return on the training investment. More importantly, however, is the fact that great customer service leads to lasting customer relationships.

Now, more than ever, businesses are facing greater competition in the services industry -- being measured daily on how efficiently and effectively they treat their customers. Websites, blogposts, tweets and e-mails publicly announce how well or how badly businesses service their clients! One bad review can result in a serious downturn in business. Sandler poses the tough questions regarding your customer service organization:

• Are you concerned that the good client relationships your frontline customer service people build don’t result in increased sales because (a) they fail to take it to the next level and (b) they lack a systematic way to sell to customers?
• Does your frontline staff sometimes show a lack of urgency in solving customer issues? Do they pass problems on to management rather than dealing with it themselves?
• Is burnout and turnover rate for your frontline people a concern?
• Do your customer service people provide “free consulting”-- giving out too much free information?
• Do they lack the questioning and qualifying skills to get to the heart of the prospect’s needs?

Sandler’s “Strategic Customer Care” program ties Sandler strategies to the analysis and development of each opportunity, ensuring that customer service people uncover required information and obtain the necessary commitments to keep the process moving forward. It also provides strategic benchmarks by which customer service people and their managers can gauge the progress of the opportunity. It’s all part of Sandler’s system of continual reinforcement within a proven system and methodology.


Sandler Training is an international franchise and world leader in innovative sales and sales management training. For more than 40 years, Sandler has taught its distinctive, non-traditional selling system and highly effective sales training methodology. Entrepreneur Magazine ranked Sandler as the No. 1 training company nine times since 1994 – the most recent being for 2010. Sandler has a network of over 220 training centers in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia and provides worldwide training in 12 languages.

The Southbury Sandler Training office is located at 574 Heritage Rd., Suite 200, Southbury, CT and can be reached at 203-264-1197 or by logging onto

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