Unishippers Thriving National Franchise Program Meets Milestone

Unishippers Sells 10th National Franchise

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Oct 26, 2014

Unishippers Thriving National Franchise Program Meets Milestone

Unishippers Sells 10th National Franchise

As Unishippers continues to accelerate, reporting record-high earnings earlier this year, interest in our franchise opportunities continues to grow - particularly our pioneering National franchise program that unlocked market opportunities across the country and put franchise ownership within reach.

With more than 290 franchise locations across the country, Unishippers has recently sold the company's 10th national franchise - yet another significant milestone in 2014 for Unishippers. Already this year the company is on track to bring on a record number of new owners and to end 2014 in excess of $425 million in revenue. And, thanks to the National franchise program's low cost of entry, greater market availability and increased sales potential, now has never been a better time to take a closer look at this unique franchise model.

Please contact me to set up a time to talk about this great business and join a great team of satisfied and happy franchisees! You can reach me via phone at 801.708.5822 or email me at richard.luna@unishippers.com

Best Regards,
Richard Luna
Manager, National Franchise Development
Unishippers Global Logistics, LLC

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