Air Out Your Pet!

As winter sets in, families will spend more time indoors with their pets along with their pets??? natural odors. But they don???t have to. Even if their owners are snowed in, their pets can still smell as fresh as a spring day.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Dec 29, 2010

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For Immediate Release

Air Out Your Pet!

Give your pet that fresh-air smell


Hingham, Ma. - As winter sets in, families will spend more time indoors with their pets along with their pets’ natural odors. But they don’t have to. Even if their owners are snowed in, their pets can still smell as fresh as a spring day.

That’s because ZoominGroomin®, the world’s fastest growing mobile pet grooming franchise, can give their pets a dose of pure oxygen! What smells better than fresh air?

ZoominGroomin® uses only Pure Oxygen, an oxygen-based deodorizing solution that is rinse-free, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. There is no chemical residual. So it pets smelling clean and fresh. Also, Pure Oxygen is environmentally safe. 

Traditional groomers use chemical-based shampoos to clean pets followed up by deodorizers that attempt to mask the residual smell of the chemicals with fragrance. Pure Oxygen simply makes pets smell clean. Moreover, shampoos can’t match the cleaning quality of Pure Oxygen combined with the new ZipWash Process.

Deep Cleaning
Our ZipWash system with its patented wash nozzles penetrate the fur and wash the skin first where most of the dirt ends up. Cleaning from the skin up helps get all of the dirt out of the animal's coat, helping to control fungal infections such as rain rot, ring worm, mud fever, greasy heel, etc.

Meanwhile, the system immediately removes the majority of the water before it has a chance to fall away from the animal, making it virtually a mess-free process.

The ZipWash service is convenient, quick and affordable. Pet owners can schedule appointments online at our Customer Center at or call us at  866-50-GROOM, 504-7666. Or email us at





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