Alco-Buddy Leading Tool in DUI Prevention

One of the most common, and saddest, tragedies in America today is that of the traffic accident caused by drunk driving. It is almost as though one cannot turn around or even blink without hearing the news of another accident in the paper, online, or on television.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Jul 12, 2011

Alco-Buddy Leading Tool in DUI Prevention

Published July 12, 2011 | By Alco Buddy

One of the most common, and saddest, tragedies in America today is that of the traffic accident
caused by drunk driving. It is almost as though one cannot turn around or even blink without hearing
the news of another accident in the paper, online, or on television.

Legislation has been enacted to punish drunk drivers, and there’s a heavy social stigma on the
action as well, with programs like DARE and organizations like MADD. However, both of these things
and preventative education haven’t stopped this all-too-common tragedy.

One sector, though, of society, has yet to really contribute to the fight against drunk driving,
until now. This sector of society has taken a good hard look at one device used widely in law
enforcement and thought, “Why isn’t this more commonly found around regular people?

I’m speaking, of course, of industry, and the breathalyzer. The breathalyzer is a standard tool
amongst police officers because it is quick and easy to use, and it is accurate enough to be admissible in
court as well as to legalize an arrest. However, one finds that the breathalyzer hardly exists outside the
justice system.

The Alcobuddy is the remedy to this. It is a wall-mounted breathalyzer machine intended for
installation in barrooms and other alcohol-serving establishments in order to provide the average joe or
jane with easy access to the hard data they need to make an informed decision as to whether they can
or should drive home. Most people never feel as drunk as they actually are, and finding out their blood-
alcohol level could be the wake-up call they need.

Some of the features of the Alcobuddy are aimed at the bar patrons, like its attractive design –
meant to attract attention, the first step in promoting use – and its digital video screen. The Alcobuddy
will guide a patron through the process of testing their breath, and will provide them with a number
accurate within plus or minus .01 units. Ease of use and accuracy of numbers are the most important
features to the Alcobuddy.

There are also plenty of advantages for the bar or club owner who installs the Alcobuddy in
their venue. The Alcobuddy is extremely autonomous; it has the longest lasting alcohol sensor in the
industry, which only needs to be changed with every 800 to 1100 uses. It also contains 600 straws – and
any kinds of straws can be used with the machine. Beyond that, the Alcobuddy is extremely adaptable –
it can be programmed for any currency or language in the world, and can even be made bilingual.

If you’re interested in what the Alcobuddy can do for you, your business, and the safety of your
patrons, check out the website at Trust me, you won’t regret it.

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