SearchMarketMe Doubles Size of Agency Owner-led Evaluation Board

To keep up with increasing interest in the Internet Marketing Agency Owner Program, SearchMarketMe has doubled the number of existing Agency Owners available to conduct evaluation interviews with prospective Agency Owners.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Nov 8, 2011

SearchMarketMe Doubles Size of Agency Owner-led Evaluation Board to Support Increasing Demand in its Internet Marketing Agency Business Opportunity

To keep up with increasing interest in the Internet Marketing Agency Owner Program, SearchMarketMe has doubled the number of existing Agency Owners available to conduct evaluation interviews with prospective Agency Owners. This unique and open evaluation practice provides would-be Agency Owners with an excellent opportunity to speak openly with existing Agency Owners and ask about their experiences with SearchMarketMe. In turn, prospective Agency Owners must be approved by no less than three existing Agency Owners in order to receive an invitation to receive training and support from SearchMarketMe.

Seattle, Washington (PRWEB) November 08, 2011

To keep up with rising interest in the Internet Marketing Agency Owner Program, SearchMarketMe has doubled the size of its Agency Owner-led Evaluation Board.

As part of its unique investigation process, SearchMarketMe requires serious candidates to speak with - and by approved by - at least three existing Agency Owners from its network of 100+ Agency Owners world-wide. These interviews allow prospective Agency Owners to gain an insider's perspective of the training and support provided by SearchMarketMe, and to discuss - with real Agency Owners - the day-to-day experiences of running their own internet marketing agencies.

'Prospective Agency Owners love this step in the investigation process,' said SearchMarketMe President & CEO, S. Boyd Karren. 'This opportunity to speak with people who are operating their own internet marketing agencies is invaluable. A prospective Agency Owner can ask multiple, specific questions of existing Agency Owners about their respective experiences with SearchMarketMe's training, software tools, ongoing support and the collaborative Agency Owner Network, in addition to questions about how long it took them to get up and running, and what kind of financial success they are experiencing today.'

The Agency Owner Evaluation Board has generally been comprised of four existing Agency Owners who volunteer for conversations with prospective Agency Owners. With the increased interest in the program, Karren saw the need to increase the number of available Agency Owners to eight.

'The Agency Owners in our Evaluation Board are all busy running their own successful agencies,' said Karren. 'And with the number of requests to speak with them increasing, we simply had to get additional volunteers involved. With eight existing Agency Owners now available for conversations with prospective Agency Owners, we can handle the growing demand.'

Agency Owners serving on the Evaluation Board are paid a flat fee for their written evaluations on prospective candidates, whether they recommend that the candidate be welcomed into the program, or not. There is no financial incentive for the existing Agency Owners to persuade or dissuade a candidate to join.

'The existing Agency Owners take these evaluations seriously,' added Karren. 'We all want to welcome talented new individuals into the Network and help them succeed in their new businesses, but we don't welcome new people in simply because they are able or willing to cover the training fee. We are looking for promising people, talented people, who we feel will end up being net contributors to the Network, and most people who get this far in the investigation process meet that criteria. Occasionally though, I have to have some uncomfortable conversations with individuals that didn't pass the evaluations with our Agency Owners.'

To speak with members of the Agency Owner Evaluation Board, candidates must have 1) reviewed the new Opportunity Overview and 2) have participated in a Personal Walk-through / Technology Demonstration Webinar with Karren, or with SearchMarketMe's Director of Education, Will Rak.

SearchMarketMe is a Seattle, Washington, USA-based training and support organization that assists entrepreneurs in opening and operating independently-owned and independently-branded internet marketing agencies around the world. SearchMarketMe's 103 Agency Owners are located in North America, the Middle East and Africa. For more information about the Agency Owner program, visit SearchMarketMe's website and request the New Opportunity Overview and schedule a Personal Walk-through / Technology Demonstration Webinar.


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