Valpak Returns to Quebec; Further Expansion Planned Across Canada

Valpak, the most recognized direct mail brand in the U.S., has signed an Area Development agreement with a Quebec-based company that has offices in Montreal and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Feb 20, 2011

For Immediate Release

Valpak Returns to Quebec; Further Expansion Planned Across Canada

Media Contacts

Marsha Strickhouser
Valpak Public Relations Manager

Roy Brown

Courtney Thomas
Sanderson & Associates, Ltd.

(JUNE 17, 2010) Valpak, the most recognized direct mail brand in the U.S., has signed an Area Development agreement with a Quebec-based company that has offices in Montreal and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The company will eventually bring the blue Valpak envelope to over 2 million mailboxes in Quebec. Valpak envelopes carry money-saving coupons and targeted special offers for consumers. Valpak content is also distributed across a fast-growing digital network through

Roy Brown and Robert Plamondon are principals in the new venture — a division of Montreal Creativi-t Options Group Inc., which is a marketing, branding and performance improvement company and authorized distributor of certain branded incentive and loyalty programs such as Airmiles. The group will develop its own Valpak programs in Quebec beginning with circulation in Laval this fall and also develop additional franchise operations in the Province circulating Valpak envelopes and digital advertising programs to over 2 million homes in Quebec. Creativi-t Options Group Inc. is looking to relocate their existent offices in Quebec.

“We believe in and value the Valpak brand,” said Brown. “With families pinching pennies to save money, studies show that people are going to continue to live frugally as the economy improves. Valpak will help families in Quebec achieve this lifestyle. I see great potential for the Valpak brand in this area.”

As senior consultant and advisor, the group has retained legendary Canadian franchise entrepreneur Sean O’Dea, who was part of the founding team of “The Second Cup” coffee, a national franchise system in the 1980’s, as well as the co-founder of the international franchise Proshred Security. Since the sale of Proshred in 2002, O’Dea has led Caincroft Management Limited, a Canadian franchise consulting company. With this extensive experience, O’Dea is a frequent speaker on business and entrepreneurship.

Valpak Senior Advisor Joe Bourdow says that this new relationship with Canadian franchise development partners is part of the company’s plan to significantly expand circulation across the country and supplement Valpak’s current 760,000 Canadian household footprint. Valpak envelopes reach 40 million homes monthly in the U.S. The company began operations in 1968.

Valpak franchisees receive extensive training and support. Envelopes are produced in a half million square foot manufacturing facility employing state-of-the-art robotics.

For more information about Valpak franchises in Quebec, contact Roy Brown at 514-713-2901. For franchise information elsewhere across Canada or the United States contact Todd Leiser at 800-237-6266.

About Valpak®
Valpak, one of the leading direct marketing companies in North America, is owned and operated by Cox Target Media, a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Cox Media Group. With nearly 200 franchises throughout the United States and Canada, The Blue Envelope® delivers savings and value to nearly 40 million households each month. Annually, Valpak will distribute some 20 billion offers inserted in more than 500 million envelopes. Valpak also offers digital solutions with®, an online site for local savings, which has nearly 40 million offer views each month, as well as mobile phones, including apps for iPhone™,  iPod touch®, AndroidTM, Palm® PreTM and Blackberry platforms. For more information, please contact 1-800-676-6878.

Cox Media Group
Cox Media Group, Inc., a subsidiary of Atlanta-based Cox Enterprises, is an integrated broadcasting, publishing and digital media company that includes the national advertising rep firms of Cox Reps. With revenues exceeding $1.5 billion, the company operations include 15 broadcast television stations and one local cable channel, 86 radio stations, four metro newspapers and more than a dozen non-daily publications, and more than 100 digital services.  Additionally, CMG owns and operates Valpak, one of the leading direct marketing companies in North America. 

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